There are over 70,000 Google searches each second, that's almost 227 million an hour.
We optimize your website for traffic that will last!
How does your website stack up against your competition?
It’s estimated that over 500,000 websites are launched every day around the world. With that many new websites being launched every day, search engines can not assume that they are all of the same calibre. So search engines like Google are constantly tweaking their algorithms (a technical way of saying how they look at and sort the various websites) in order to sort out the best websites for their search queries. By 2016, they were changing their algorithm 500-600 times a year. Last year it was over 4000 updates.
At Four Winds Agency, we have developed a systematic and targeted approach to evaluating and modifying a website to move into the top spots of Google and Bing. The results of our game plan for one of our clients has increased the amount of keywords putting them on the 1st page of Google to over 36 keywords. Their website traffic has grown 56 - 79% year over year for the past 4 years.*
*Results can not be guaranteed for any client since search engines operate independently. Be wary of any agency that does ‘guarantee’ what Google will and won’t do for them.
We have the tools and skill to evaluate online strengths and weaknesses for SEO game plans that move your website higher in Google rankings.
We set goals and provide trackable results so that you can measurable your ROI
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Use the link below to schedule a day and time that works best for you.
SEO Success Results
SEO Results: Local Electrician Company
SEO Results: National Manufacturer
WordPress SEO Basic Packages
Local SEO Standard
Local / Regional Standard
Local SEO Growth
Local / Regional Growth
National SEO
Regional / National
SEO Certifications

Next Step?
Now that you have people showing up to your website, what do you do with them? How do you reach back out to them?
Book a quick huddle now!
Use the link below to schedule a day and time that works best for you.