Do you need a website?

At Four Winds Marketing Agency, we intuitively believe every business, no matter the size, needs a website. The website is the bedrock of your advertising, marketing, and word-of-mouth campaigns.

But it wasn’t until recently that someone asked me if they needed a website. So, to make sure I wasn’t misleading anyone,we did a little research:

  • 30% of people won’t consider a business without a website
  • 4-5 use search engines to find local information
  • 63% use a companies website to engage a dialog (either Chat, text, or email)
  • And 48% say that a website is the biggest determinant of whether they think a business is credible.

Your website is the 21st century equivalent of the brick and mortar office/shop. Your website is your clients and customers first impression and first point of contact with you. Make sure it’s your best!

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