What is SEO and how does it work?

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  • What is SEO and how does it work?
SEO is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. 

SEO stands for search engine optimization, the practice of orienting your website to rank higher on a search engine results page (SERP).

SEO helps improve the quality and quantity of traffic to a website from search engines through organic (non-paid) Google search results. When talking to someone new to the online marketing work, and they ask "What is SEO", I try to use an analogy, imagine that search engines are like a big online mall and you own a store there. SEO is like dressing up your store in the most attractive way possible to make sure that people who come to the mall notice it and step inside.

Now, let's dive a bit deeper and see how SEO works. Imagine that you have a website, and you want people to find it when they search for specific keywords related to your business. You could just sit back and hope that search engines find your website on their own, but that's like hoping for a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Instead, you want to use SEO to make your website the most irresistible and appealing store in the mall. And how do you do that? By incorporating various techniques that search engines love!

The first SEO work is Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing keywords and phrases that people use in search engines to find information relevant to a particular subject or topic.


These keywords and phrases are then used to optimize web pages, blog posts, and other online content to improve their visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The main goal of keyword research is to understand what users are searching for and what their needs and interests are. This information is then used to create content that addresses those needs and interests, making it more likely that people will find and engage with it.

There are several methods for conducting keyword research, including

  1. Using keyword research tools: There are several free and paid keyword research tools that can help you identify relevant keywords and phrases, including Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. These tools provide information about keyword volume, competition, and other important metrics to help you make informed decisions about which keywords to target.
  2. Analyzing competitors: One effective way to conduct keyword research is to analyze what your competitors are doing. By studying their websites and online content, you can identify which keywords and phrases they are using and what kind of content is resonating with their audience.
  3. Analyzing customer feedback: Another way to identify relevant keywords is to analyze customer feedback and reviews. This can help you understand what people are saying about your products or services, and what words they are using to describe them.
  4. Once you have identified a list of relevant keywords, you can use them to optimize your online content. This involves incorporating the keywords into your website's pages, including the title tags, headings, and body text. It's also important to use keywords naturally and avoid keyword stuffing, which is the practice of overusing keywords in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings.

In addition to on-page optimization, you can also use keywords to improve your off-page optimization, including your link building and social media efforts. By using relevant keywords in your link building and social media activities, you can maximize the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines such as google.

In conclusion, keyword research is an important part of search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing. By identifying and targeting the right keywords, you can create a blog or article that is more likely to rank well in search engines and attract the right audience. It's also important to continually update your keyword research and content optimization strategies to keep up with changes in Google search algorithms and user behavior.

This is like finding the perfect outfit for your store. You need to find keywords that people are searching for that are related to your business, and then make sure that your website is optimized for those keywords. This includes things like making sure that the keywords are present in your website's title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and content. Think of SEO like making sure your store is labeled correctly so that people can easily find what they're looking for.

Next, there's On-Page Optimization for Search Engines

On-page optimization refers to the various factors and techniques used to optimize individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines.  


Here are some key components of on-page optimization:

    • Title tag: The title tag is one of the most important on-page optimization factors, as it provides a concise and accurate description of the content on a web page. Title tags should be unique and include relevant keywords, limited to around 60-70 characters.
    • Meta description: The meta description is a short summary that appears under the title tag in search engine results. It should be descriptive and persuasive, and include relevant keywords, limited to around 155 characters.
    • Header tags: Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are used to format the text on a web page and to indicate the hierarchy of information. H1 tags should be used for the main title of a page, while H2 and H3 tags can be used for subheadings.
    • URL structure: URLs should be short, descriptive, and include relevant keywords. Avoid using special characters and numbers, and separate words with hyphens.
    • Content: Content is king in on-page optimization, and it should be high-quality, unique, and relevant to the topic of the web page. Content should be at least 300 words and include relevant keywords, but be careful not to overuse keywords as it can result in keyword stuffing, which is penalized by search engines.
    • Images: Optimize images by using descriptive, keyword-rich file names, and compressing images to reduce their file size. Also, include alt text to describe images for visually impaired users and for search engines.
    • Internal linking: Internal linking refers to the process of linking one page to another within the same website. Internal links can help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of a website, as well as provide users with a better navigation experience.
    • Mobile optimization: With the growing number of mobile users, it is essential to optimize web pages for mobile devices. This includes using a responsive design, optimizing page speed, and ensuring that all on-page elements, such as images and forms, are easily accessible on mobile devices.
    • Social sharing: Encourage social sharing by including social media sharing buttons on web pages and promoting content on social media platforms.
    • Site speed: Site speed is a critical factor in on-page optimization, as slow-loading pages can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to test page speed and identify areas for improvement.

On-page optimization is a crucial aspect of SEO, as it helps search engines understand the content and structure of a website, as well as improve user experience. By focusing on these key components, website owners can improve their search engine rankings and drive more relevant traffic to their website.

This is like decorating your store in the most appealing way possible. You want to make sure that your website is visually appealing and easy to navigate, so that people are more likely to spend time there and explore. This includes things like having a clean and professional design, having high-quality images, and making sure that your website is easy to use on both desktop and mobile devices.

But wait, there's more work! Off-Page Optimization is also an important part of SEO

Off-page optimization refers to the various techniques and strategies used to improve the visibility and ranking of a website or webpage on search engines, outside of the actual website.  

Social Network Monitoring for Off-Page SEO

This type of optimization focuses on increasing the quantity and quality of inbound links to a site, as well as creating a positive online presence and brand image.

Here are some of the key components of off-page optimization:

  1. Link Building: This is the process of acquiring inbound links from other relevant and high-quality websites. The number and quality of these links are considered to be important ranking factors by search engines.
  2. Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be used to create a strong online presence, promote content, and engage with audiences. Social media also provides opportunities for link building, as well as increasing brand awareness and building relationships with customers and other stakeholders.
  3. Online Reputation Management: This involves monitoring and managing online feedback, reviews, and mentions of a brand, as well as addressing any negative comments or reviews. A positive online reputation can contribute to higher search engine rankings and can help build trust with potential customers.
  4. Content Marketing: Creating and sharing high-quality, relevant and engaging content can attract inbound links, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to a website. Content marketing can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content that are shareable and provide value to audiences.
  5. Influencer Marketing: This involves partnering with influential individuals in a particular niche or industry to promote a brand and its products or services. Influencer marketing can help build credibility and increase visibility, as well as drive traffic and sales.
  6. Local Search Optimization: This involves optimizing a website for local search terms and making sure that local business information, such as the address, phone number, and business hours, are accurately listed on the website and on local directories and listing websites.
  7. Forum and Community Participation: Participating in online forums and communities related to a brand's niche or industry can help build relationships with potential customers and partners, as well as increase brand visibility and credibility.

Off-page optimization is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization that focuses on building relationships and creating a positive online presence. By implementing these various strategies, businesses can improve their search engine rankings, drive more traffic to their websites, and build credibility and trust with customers. However, it is important to keep in mind that off-page optimization takes time and effort, and results may not be immediate. Nevertheless, a consistent and well-executed off-page optimization strategy can pay significant dividends in the long run.

This is like networking with other stores in the mall. You want to make sure that other websites are linking to your website, as this can help increase its visibility in the Google search results. This is known as link building, and it's like having other stores in the mall recommend your store to their customers. The more links you have pointing to your website, the more authoritative it appears to search engines, which can help improve your rankings.

And finally, we have Technical SEO.

Technical SEO refers to the practice of optimizing a website for search engines to improve its visibility and ranking.  


It covers a wide range of activities and factors, including site structure, content, coding, and performance.

    • Site Structure: A well-structured website makes it easier for search engines to crawl and understand the content. This includes having a clear and intuitive navigation, using relevant and descriptive headings, and making sure there are no broken links.
    • Content: High-quality and relevant content is essential for a successful website. It should be optimized for keywords, contain valuable information for users, and be regularly updated. It is also important to ensure that content is accessible to both search engines and users, by using proper formatting and meta descriptions.
    • Coding: The code behind a website must be clean, efficient, and well-organized. This includes using semantic HTML, avoiding duplicated content, and making sure that website loads quickly.
    • Performance: The performance of a website is crucial for both users and search engines. It should load quickly, be easily accessible on all devices, and be optimized for mobile users. This can be achieved by reducing image sizes, minimizing the use of heavy scripts, and using a reliable hosting provider.

In addition to these core components, there are several technical SEO best practices that can improve a website’s visibility and ranking.

This SEO service should include:

  1. Sitemap: A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on a website and helps search engines crawl and index them.
  2. URL structure: URLs should be short, descriptive, and consistent. They should also include relevant keywords.
  3. Canonical tags: Canonical tags are used to prevent duplicated content, and ensure that search engines only index the preferred version of a page.
  4. Robots.txt: Robots.txt is a file that controls which pages on a website can be crawled by search engines.
  5. Schema markup: Schema markup is a code that provides additional information to search engines about the content on a page.
  6. HTTPS: Websites should use HTTPS encryption to protect sensitive information and improve security.
  7. Page speed: Pages should load quickly to provide a positive user experience and improve visibility.

Technical SEO is a critical aspect of website optimization, and should be a top priority for any website owner. By following best practices, websites can improve their visibility, ranking, and ultimately, drive more traffic and conversions.

This is like making sure that the electrical wiring in your store is up to code. You want to make sure that your website is structured in a way that search engines can easily understand and that it loads quickly on both desktop and mobile devices. This includes things like making sure that your website is mobile-friendly, that it has a fast page speed, and that it's easy to navigate.

Now, let's put all the Search Engine Optimization together for Google.

The goal of SEO is to make your website the most appealing and irresistible store in the online mall, so that people are more likely to find it when they search for keywords related to your business.

completed SEO effects on a website

Does SEO work? Yes, when done correctly, SEO does work. It's like going to a job interview and making sure that you look and feel your best so that you make a great impression. Search engines use complex algorithms to determine which websites should rank higher in the search results, and these algorithms are constantly changing, so it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and SEO best practices.

Think of SEO as a game of hide and seek. You're hiding your website from search engines, hoping they won't find it, and then suddenly you realize that's not the point at all! You want search engines to find your website, and you want to make it as easy as possible for them. So, you go out of your way to make sure that your website is optimized, that it's dressed in the finest digital attire, and that it has all the right connections. And then, you wait patiently, hoping that search engines will notice all your hard work and reward you by ranking your website higher in the search results.

In conclusion, SEO is a crucial aspect of digital marketing, and it's like a never-ending game of cat and mouse. Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms, and it's up to you to stay one step ahead and make sure that your website is optimized in the most effective way possible. And who knows, if you play your cards right, your website might just become the most popular store in the online mall!

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